Self-Love And Owning Your Story
Jul 04, 2021
So given that introduction, I am sure you’ve guessed that this month at Women In Healthcare, it is all about loving yourself.
On my journey to discovering self, I realised that self-respect, self-worth, and self-love, all start with self and so regardless of the circumstances, you are always with yourself and this is the only reason why you should love yourself first.
So we should stop looking outside of ourselves for our value. I learned that we shouldn’t have to sacrifice ourselves too much, because if you do there’s nothing else left to give, because your cup soon runs empty, with nothing else to replenish it.
As such our event will be centered around self-love and self-awareness and it promises to be the most engaging, thought-provoking, and super exciting event ever! The notices and registration links will be sent out soon, so I hope you won’t miss out.
When you don’t love yourself, nobody will. Not only that, you won’t be good at loving anyone else. Loving starts with the self.
Join our Facebook community. In light of our efforts to create a more engaging community, we encourage you to join our Women In Healthcare Facebook Community Group. Now you can ask questions, share ideas, and post updates about yourself, experiences, and anything in between! So hop on over, introduce yourself, your business, etc, and remember to stick to the rules. Click here to join.
If you have a story of encouragement, hope or motivation email us at [email protected]
I hope this month’s theme inspires you to focus on the crazy areas of your life and see where you can take time for yourself, as we help you redefine how you show up in the world!
Enjoy your summer!
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